ThinLayer-compatible implant systems

BOSTON, MA – Guided Surgery Solutions, LLC released a list of manufacturers whose dental implants and drills are compatible with the company’s CT-based surgical guides and disposable drill stops.

According to CEO, Jeremy Benedict, “Doctors on any of these systems can now do CT-based guided surgery with no upfront cost. The software is free, and our guides work with most standard or guided drill kits they already own.”

Compatible implant systems include

About Guided Surgery Solutions, LLC
Guided Surgery Solutions, LLC designs, manufactures, and sells 3D image-based surgical guides for dental implant surgery. The ThinLayer® Drill Guide System was developed in the founder’s clinical practice, in response to design limitations found in existing products. The solution makes guided surgery technically and economically feasible for all implant surgeons, allowing them to provide better treatment to more patients. Please visit for more information.