Consequences of Positional Errors in Dental Implants

At this time, integration of dental implants is highly predictable, with success rates exceeding 90%. The current measure of successful implant therapy is implant position. Implant placement errors can dramatically affect treatment outcome and adversely impact the entire implant treatment plan.

Among the implant treatment errors which commonly occur are angulation errors, in which the implant trajectory is significantly angled relative to the desired prosthetic envelope.

The consequences of positional errors include:
• Implant is too buccal
• Compromised emergence profile
• Compromised esthetics
• Implant or abutment “show-through”
• Higher risk of resorption/recession buccal plate
• Exposed Threads
• Implant positioned in ambrasure
• Absence gingival papilla
• Unesthetic tooth form
• Spacing issues

One approach to avoiding positional errors is guided surgery, using CBCT scans, implant planning software (now available for free) and drill guides. Comprehensive, preoperative treatment planning and the use of a drill guide eliminate the guess work and allow you to perform implant surgery with confidence, precision and accuracy.

To learn more about how our ThinLayer Guide system an help avoid these errors, call us at (855) 484-3335.